和紙 Washi (Japanese paper)
墨 Japanese Ink - Sumi ( ink made from lamp soot, or from burnt pine )
岩絵具、胡粉 Pigment Ink ( made from minerals, sea shells )
膠 Organic Gelatin Glue
“Imayou Fujin-zu”
( Portraying Ordinary Women in New Tradition)
“Portraying Ordinary Women in New Tradition” series are created based on the idea of “Ukiyo-e” (Portraying Beautiful Women) in Japanese classic woodblock prints. I crossed ”Ukiyo-e” (Portraying Beautiful Women) and “ordinary woman" and made the coined word title. The “Beautiful Women” is the concept created by our society, but a personal preference. You can say it should be an ideal state of women in the society.
This work describes fatuousness of appearance of ordinary one is trying to be the “beautiful woman” All the women portrayed in the series are artist herself. They are also self-portrait series. She can not be a beautiful heroine even if she dresses up very neatly. The artist is drawn in the series as a representative of funny and ironic “ordinary ones” I, as one of ordinaries, can not be the “beautiful one” according to the society. This series of work expresses my queries and impatience with such public images.
“Imayou Fujin-zu”
( Portraying Ordinary Women in New Tradition)
“Portraying Ordinary Women in New Tradition” series are created based on the idea of “Ukiyo-e” (Portraying Beautiful Women) in Japanese classic woodblock prints. I crossed ”Ukiyo-e” (Portraying Beautiful Women) and “ordinary woman" and made the coined word title. The “Beautiful Women” is the concept created by our society, but a personal preference. You can say it should be an ideal state of women in the society.
This work describes fatuousness of appearance of ordinary one is trying to be the “beautiful woman” All the women portrayed in the series are artist herself. They are also self-portrait series. She can not be a beautiful heroine even if she dresses up very neatly. The artist is drawn in the series as a representative of funny and ironic “ordinary ones” I, as one of ordinaries, can not be the “beautiful one” according to the society. This series of work expresses my queries and impatience with such public images.
The “Angel Cat" series
The motif of artworks was inspired by cats called “Angel Cat” having protruded wings, which was made of flesh, bone and feather; they appeared in Sichuan, China in recent years.
The cats seem to be well accepted as a lucky symbol by local people, however, I am worried that deformed cats could be a result of pollution.
It does not seem to be the other people's affairs, when I think of my own country which used to produce tremendous pollution by economic development.
All the plants depicted in paintings grow naturally as poisonous species in Japan.
This is a series of artworks that depict a fear, which is to take poison without knowing they are poison, and an appreciation toward their quiet beauty.